Dr. Steven D. Solomon works in therapy with couples, individuals and families to help them achieve their goals by overcoming the causes of the pain and frustration in their lives. He is a clinical psychologist committed to supporting clients in their relationships, whether that be by healing them, rebuilding them or enhancing them.
He is a directive therapist who gives active feedback designed to help people get what they are looking for from therapy as quickly as possible. Steve also focuses on long-term solutions instead of quick fixes that don’t address the underlying individual or relationship causal factors, factors that if unaddressed will create recurring problems for the individual or couple in the future.
Steve’s therapy is based on openness and honest feedback in a caring, respectful relationship. Establishing that respect and that caring is the backbone of his work, allowing him to push clients to confront their weaknesses, face their demons and also to harness and use their strengths.
Dr. Solomon’s work with couples focuses on giving them the tools that enable them to build a Long-Term Love Relationship (LTLR) that will be happy and fulfilling for years to come. This approach is rooted in teaching couples how to self-diagnose problems in their LTLR when they arise, and in how to use the Three Intimacies to fix and nurture the intimacy of their LTLR. As a result, when a couple’s therapy work with Steve ends, both partners have the insight and the tools of intimacy so that when a problem begins to arise in their LTLR, they are able to recognize it and deal with it successfully on their own.
Dr. Solomon received his undergraduate degree at Dartmouth College and his M.A. and Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology at the California School of Professional Psychology (Los Angeles). He has been in private practice in San Diego and La Jolla, California for more than 35 years as a licensed clinical psychologist (CA license PSY8357).
Steve has been married to his wonderful wife, Esther, since 1985. They are the joyful parents of their young adult son, Lewis. You can reach Dr. Solomon at (858) 729-1272.
Schedule Appointment
Dr. Steven D. Solomon
The Relationship Institute
3262 Holiday Court, Suite 203
La Jolla, CA 92037 - (858) 729-1272
- ssolomon@sbcglobal.net