Dr. Lorie Teagno is a clinical psychologist who works with couples, families and individuals. When working with all clients she identifies and discusses both their strengths and relative weaknesses. She works with every client to teach then tools they can use to improve their relationships and their lives.
Her therapy orientation is focused on the context in which one lives and the individuals’ goals that contribute to them thriving. She also helps clients identify what behaviors and beliefs thwart their progress and encourages her clients to face their fears and struggles and try new behaviors.
Dr. Teagno emphasizes that mistakes are our best learning experiences as long as we are willing to admit them, learn from them. Her therapy work includes the significant concepts of personal integrity, emotional maturity and the importance of feeling that we have lived our lives well for ourselves and contributed to the lives of others.
Dr. Teagno received her Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degrees from George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. She earned her Ph.D. at the University of Maryland (College Park). She received her early clinical training on the East Coast and has been in private practice in the La Jolla area for more than 35 years.
Dr. Teagno is married and has two daughters, two step sons, and seven fabulous grandkids. You can reach Dr. Teagno at (858) 552-1126.
Schedule Appointment
Dr. Lorie Teagno
The Relationship Institute
3262 Holiday Court, Suite 200
La Jolla, CA 92037 - (858) 552-1126
- drteagno@hotmail.com